Most likely fix:
A. Check if the polarity of the batteries are positioned correctly.
B. Check if the water inlet, water outlet and gas inlet are connected to the right pipes.
C. Heater wont ignite if the water pressure is too low, please make sure you have enough water flow.
D. Check the water inlet and filter to make sure there is no clog.
E. Disconnect the shower hose and shower head and let the water gush out from the heater (set gas knob to minimum and water knob to maximum), if it ignites that means there is a clog either in shower hose or shower head.
*If this did not help, please schedule a call with our technical support team for further troubleshooting help. We are always happy to help!
Thank you,
Camplux Technical Support Team
I opened it up and wires are melted. So found the reason it won't light.
Where can I purchase spares for BW264 water heaters ????????
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